E licencuar nga "MASHT" nga viti 2002

Another school year is coming to an end

The 20th year since the establishment of the Amadeus School is coming to an end

Full of challenges, successes, joys, and fulfillment.

- On June 26, 2022, we celebrate the graduation of another generation.

- We sing about the future and the reception of new generations.

- We rejoice in the successes of young musicians and rising artists.

- We celebrate the culture we are creating together.

-For musical experiences, beautiful moments, and lessons.

- We celebrate good work

We celebrate for years and generations to come.

We welcome you on Sunday, June 26, in the Concert Hall of the Central University Library (in front of the Symphony Restaurant)

First concert - 12:00 p.m

The second concert - 13:00

Graduation Ceremony, Amadeus School Choir, and Ensemble - 2:00 p.m

June 26th - 2022